Princess Celestia hereby declares the commencement of formal relations between the Principality of Equestria and the Republic of China. The Ambassador of Equestria to the Republic of China shall be assigned in accordance with the Princess's Mandate. The alliance between the two nations shall never perish.
同人超精彩大作「彩虹小馬外傳 逆轉小馬鎮」(Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony FIM - Turnabout Storm) 持續連載,充滿懸疑、緊張、轉折的劇情掀起一陣波瀾!這絕對是各位小馬迷不容錯過的強檔好戲!
感謝原製作團隊 PWaaMLPfim 的授權,中文字幕版第一集即將於2/23在本大使館隆重上映!